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Our Beliefs

The Holy Scriptures
We believe that the Bible is the written Word of God given to humanity for revelation, direction,
and salvation.
The Holy God
We believe that God exists and is the source of all life and the creator of everything that exists.
He revealed Himself to humanity through the Bible as God the Father, God the Son and God the
Holy Spirit.
A Sinful Humanity
God created man in His own image to share His glory by ruling and managing the rest of
creation. But man disobeyed God and failed into sin, bringing upon himself, the whole
humanity, and the rest of the creation disgrace, bondage, chaos, suffering, and condemnation.
Since then, man has been separated from His creator, and unable to save Himself to restore his
relationship with God, with his fellow men, and within himself.
Thus the greatest need of humanity is salvation or restoration of proper relationship with God,
others and self.
Divine Savior and Salvation
Since man could not save himself, God took the initiative to come to man’s rescue through His
only Son Jesus Christ, who voluntarily became a human being, lived among us, died on the Cross
as our divine sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins, and rose from the dead for our justification
and salvation.
In order to experience this divine salvation, man has to repent from his sin, believe in Jesus
Christ and receive Him by faith in his heart as Savior and Lord of his life.
Those who experienced this divine eternal salvation are born again and become as such
children of God and members of the people of God, the church.
The Christian Life
The Christian life is lived by faith through obedience to the Word of God (holiness) and in
fellowship with other members of the Christian community, the church, and by loving God and
others as ourselves, in the hope of the future coming of Jesus Christ to establish His eternal
kingdom. In other words, it is a life of faith, holiness, love and hope, lived both within and
outside the redeemed community, the Church.
Christian Responsibilities
The Christian believer is called to glorify God in all his life, walk with Him in holiness by obeying
the Word of God, love God and his fellow men as he love himself, serve God by spreading his
salvation in the world, sharing his love in the society, and shining his light in the darkness of this
falling world.

In other words, the Christian life is not lived in seclusion and physical separation with the rest of
humanity, but a life lived in the redeemed community of believers, and turned toward those
who are still outside the divine community in order to bring them in. So the Christian believer is
on a mission, a divine redemptive and rescue mission to shine the light of God in this dark
world, to show the love and holiness of God in a sinful world, and to share the power and
salvation of God in a sinking world.
The Christian is called to be a model for others in his holy character, his honesty in dealing with
others, his spiritual and moral integrity, and his trustworthiness in all areas of life (personal,
family, work, and business).

The Christian Hope
The Christian live in this falling world in the hope of the future return of the Lord Jesus Christ
who will establish His eternal kingdom in which all creation will be restored to its original
purpose, and where God will rule over all in a world of eternal peace, harmony and prosperity,
where there will be no place for evil, sin, suffering, Satan, and death.
But the Christian hope is also about the fact that even today the kingdom of God is already
present and at work through the person of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, the Christian Church as
the redemptive divine community of the redeems, and through individual believers as they let
the life, love and light of God shine through them. It is the responsibility of the Church to give a
taste of the coming kingdom to this world in this generation by sharing and shining the power
and the presence of God in every aspect of the society and in every corner of the world. The
Church has the responsibility to make this world a better place today as we anticipate a better
eschatological future.

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